Private client services

At Wilkinson and Partners we pride ourselves on being able to support our clients and their families with financial and tax planning advice throughout their lives.

For a variety of reasons your personal and financial circumstances can change quickly. Our approach is to get to know you and what you are trying to achieve for you and/or your family and to advise on the most appropriate options for you. This requires reviewing your circumstances on a regular basis and making the most of the opportunities that present themselves and limiting the liability of any threats.

To help you achieve your desired outcomes, we offer a range of services tailored specifically to our private clients. These include:

  • Trusts
  • Executorships
  • Inheritance Tax Planning
  • Estate Planning
  • Business Succession Planning


Trusts can be a very tax efficient way of safeguarding money or assets for your future generations. We listen to what you are trying to achieve and then suggest the most appropriate trusts which we feel best suit your needs. However, if we don’t think a trust is suitable for you or your family, we will tell you. We can set up and manage the trust for you and take care of any administration and accounting functions which are required during the lifetime of the trust. We also continually review the trust to make sure it is still ‘fit for purpose’ and when it isn’t we can advise on alternatives and wind up the trust on your behalf. Our aim is to simplify the process for setting up, managing or closing down trusts, so that you don’t need to worry about it. As well as the administration of trusts we can also deal with any complex tax matters which can arise.


If you want peace of mind that your estate will be handled in a seamless and efficient manner when you die, we can take on the role of executor of your Will. For existing clients we will already have a detailed knowledge of your finances and it is likely that we also prepare and submit annual tax returns on your behalf. This previous knowledge of your affairs makes it easy for us (and your family) to wind up your estate and prepare the relevant estate accounts and inheritance tax returns on your death.

Inheritance Tax Planning

Taking a proactive stance on your financial affairs today, could mean your family saving thousands in years to come. Our inheritance tax planning (IHT) service aims to help you and your family keep more of your wealth, whilst minimising any tax liabilities which may be due on your death.

IHT could be payable on any assets you own including property and goods and chattels, your business (where applicable), as well as your savings and investments. We create a tailored IHT plan for you which encompasses all these areas, as well as reviewing your Will to ensure it accurately reflects your wishes and is drawn up in the most tax efficient manner.

Estate Planning

When it comes to planning for what happens to your estate after you die, the key is start making plans sooner rather than later. The tax regime surrounding estate planning is very complex, but we can walk you safely through the minefield to help you make longer term plans for you and your family. Further details about our estate planning service can be found here.

Business Succession Planning

We have extensive experience in helping business owners plan their exit from the business, whether as part of a transfer to the next generation, an internal buy out or selling to a third party. We help you to plan for your future, whilst making sure the handover goes as smoothly as possible. Part of the process is considering you and your family’s financial security, whilst making sure the most tax efficient routes are also considered.

For a free initial consultation about any of our private client services, please contact us on 01274 518200 or email